Ps2 games isohunt
Life begins at the summit where a wide-open mountain awaits you -- board it, explore it, and beat it. Featuring all-new freestyle events and race courses, jaw-dropping tricks, and a cast of cool, customizable characters. Votes: E Action, Family, Sport.
T Action, Adventure, Fantasy. A cel-shaded action game set in feudal Japan, in which the wolf deity Amaterasu defends the land from evil forces.
Votes: 1, M Action, Adventure, Fantasy. After being betrayed by the gods of Olympus and annulled of his divine powers, Kratos must embark on a journey to meet the Sisters of Fate and take his revenge on Olympus.
A young Dante is opening up his Merc Agency when he receives a challenge from his twin brother Vergil. The following events exponentially shape his future and make for one hell of a party. Votes: 2, After losing his brother and mother to demon lord Mundus, demon hunter Dante and his new friend Trish embark on a quest to confront Lord Mundus.
The Prince of Persia makes his way home to Babylon, bearing with him Kaileena, the enigmatic Empress of Time, and unspeakable scars from the Island of Time. A proud yet innocent prince is being chased by The Dahaka Guardian of Time as a consequence of his actions. He seeks aid from The Empress of Time to escape from the notion that he cannot change his fate.
A young prince with expert fighting skills acquires the Dagger of Time, and unknowingly releases the powerful Sands of Time with it. Now he is trapped in a palace with sand creatures and must undo the unfortunate deed he has done.
Votes: 4, Street thief Vaan becomes embroiled in a quest to save the occupied kingdom in which he resides, Dalmasca, from a war that seems imminent.
T Adventure, Fantasy, Romance. A celebrated young athlete is drawn from his futuristic hometown and convenient lifestyle to a harsh and techno-phobic land by a mysterious force only known as Sin. Votes: 7, T Adventure, Drama, Fantasy.
On a distant island, there is a legend that anyone born with horns will bring about calamity. When such a boy is locked away in a fortress, he must work together with a girl named Yorda to flee before they can be claimed by the spirits. T Action, Adventure, Comedy. Ratchet and Clank return to the Solana Galaxy to combat Dr.
Nefarious, a villain from Qwark's shady past, who wishes to turn all organic life into robots. After saving the galaxy two years ago, Ratchet and Clank are recruited by the director of antother great enterprise, called Megacorp, in order to recuperate a robbed experiment in a far away galaxy. A high school student forms a group that explores a hidden world accessible through TV sets to find a connection between the "realm of shadows" and the mysterious murders in their town.
M Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi. Sent to undo the TimeSplitter threat, Cortez journeys into 6 different time periods to track down Jacob Crow who created the TimeSplitter creatures. T Action, Adventure, Mystery.
In , humanity is at war with relentless aliens, TimeSplitters. Space marines Cortez and Hart travel through time to stop the aliens in various spots, including Wild West, zombie-infested Gothic church and Blade Runner-esque future. After being unjustly exiled to the Wasteland, Jak discovers the secrets of his past in addition to a dark force which is threatening the planet.
Directors: Daniel Arey , Andrew S. After being tortured and experimented upon in a dystopian city for two years, Jak escapes from prison and joins a rebel group, hoping for answers to his newfound dark powers.
Directors: Andrew S. M Action, Adventure, Thriller. After losing his daughter, NSA operative Sam Fisher is given his most dangerous assignment yet: go undercover with a terrorist organization. Proving you can't keep a good agent down, Sam Fisher returns for this third undercover outing, which takes him deep inside North Korea on an information warfare mission.
T Action, Adventure, Thriller. Stealth-mission expert Sam Fisher is sent after a terrorist, who leads an operation involving setting up bombs with the smallpox virus on US territory.
Stealth-mission expert Sam Fisher searches for two US agents in Georgia and soon uncovers a plot involving a nuclear device. M Drama, Horror, Mystery. Heather is suddenly thrust into a strange alternate reality filled with demonic imagery and twisted monsters. She quickly comes to find that the events unfolding around her have something to do with her past. After receiving a letter from his late wife, from Silent Hill, James Sunderland makes his way to the town in an attempt to find her.
Votes: 6, Sly Cooper and the gang must recruit a team of world-class thieves in order to penetrate his family vault of massive wealth and collect his inheritance before an evil genius retrieves it first. E Action, Adventure, Comedy. Two years after defeating Clockwerk, Sly Cooper and his band of thieves must recover and destroy all of the stolen Clockwerk parts from a sinister organization before their old nemesis can return from the dead. Action, Adventure. Command the most feared special forces unit ever assembled.
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