Professional geologist license pennsylvania
Phone : Fax: Note: This mailbox is reserved for receipt of documentation specific to letters of good standing, exam information, disciplinary documents, transcripts and other education or employment verifications, and any other outside agency or related communications. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server.
Please enable scripts and reload this page. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website. Pennsylvania Department of State. State Athletics. You may take the exam in March before you graduate, but I'd probably recommend waiting until October, when you've had all of your coursework plus summer field camp. Regardless, you should certainly not wait long after graduation to take the exam. Imagine trying to review your entire undergraduate curriculum five years from now when you finally have to get the P.
Second, after working for five years, you can take the multiple-choice Principles and Practices of Geology exam. You will also need three references from licensed Professional Geologists.
You must have taken at least 30 credits of university geology courses in classes that may cover any of the following subjects:. Given its importance on the test, Groundwater Geology should be required. Click here to download a handy brochure from the Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists. Teach a course, class, tutorial or seminar, except as a full-time faculty member double the number of attendance PDHs.
Can I count publications that I author? Authoring a paper, article or book qualifies for 10 PDHs. Are there any written guidelines for the continuing education requirements? When are the new continuing education requirements effective? Beginning with the biennial renewal period starting October 1, and ending September 30, , all licensees must acquire the required 24 PDHs during the biennial renewal period.
Can I obtain credit for internal company seminars I attend? The standard is that continuing professional competency obtained by a licensee should maintain, improve or expand skills and knowledge obtained prior to initial licensure.
It includes law and ethics training but does not include practice building or office management. Can I obtain credit for internal company seminars I teach? Credit can be obtained by teaching a course, class, tutorial or seminar, except as a full-time faculty member double the number of attendance PDHs. Where can I find qualified continuing education classes? The Board is not required to pre-approve CE courses.
The Board has the final authority to approve PDHs claimed. Will I have to submit copies of my completed continuing education with the board? According to the Board, the licensee is responsible for maintaining records of PDH activities, including a log showing the activity dates, location, duration, speaker or presenter names, sponsoring organization, and PDHs claimed.
This documentation will not be submitted when applying for renewal. Rather, the Board expects to request that a percentage of Professional Geologists provide the log and supporting documentation for audit. Attendance verification records may include certificates or other evidence of attendance. Do I have to submit copies of my publications? Most renewal applicants will only be required to complete a single question on the renewal application affirming that they have obtained the CE requirements.
A percentage of the renewal applications will be verified, with the Board requesting the log of CE activities and a form of verification for each activity. Applicants are responsible for maintaining the records to support the PDHs they claim.
Do I have to submit copies of course outlines for my continuing education credits? If verification of claimed PDHs is requested by the board, applicants will be expected to provide sufficient backup for activities claimed. This may be in the form of certificates of completion, web recordings such as a recorded copy of a webinar , and prepared materials. I understand that the continuing education requirement is not effective for the current renewal period.
Is this true? The continuing education requirement is fully effective during the current biennial renewal period, covering the period between October 1, and September 30, What records must I keep? Keystone Login. File Business Forms. Board Contacts. Page Content. EIT Certificate Reminder:. In accordance with section 4. It is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for the EIT. Applicants must show satisfactory evidence of graduation from an approved engineering curriculum of four or more years or eight years of progressive experience approximating the education obtained through an approved engineering curriculum, to obtain the EIT.
The date of issuance of the EIT will be the date the completed EIT application — including proof of graduation when applicable — is processed. GOV Note: This mailbox is reserved for receipt of documentation specific to letters of good standing, exam information, disciplinary documents, transcripts and other education or employment verifications, and any other outside agency or related communications.