Problem pdf firefox
On the preferences page about:preferences under Applications I can see now that for the Content Type PDF document the Action was changed to nothing, which seems to be the same as Always ask. Before it was Preview in Firefox but it has to be Save File in order to reach my goal which is to immediately download the PDF without any questions. Not with a single config you could possibly change this to "Save File".
Am I wrong? But when I checked profile folders for differences I found out that there is a handlers. It is read in during the browser startup and first adapted on browser close. Normally selenium creates a new temporary profile folder for each new browser instance. If I want to have an influence on the desired setting, I need to define a custom profile.
That was my thought. So I tried this:. I think this is correct, but now yet another problem The browser window is opened and healthy, but Selenium is not able to start the session. So the general question is: How can I force Firefox controlled by selenium to download the PDF file to my file system when clicked on the button?
Any possibilities are reasonable. As I am running out of ideas it would be great if somebody could help or at least confirm that these things are problems with Firefox.
After that I press that button, I couldn't use j and k. Then I use gF again, I still couldn't use j and k. By the way, I tried to use gf to replace gF , but it doesn't work. Ynjxsjmh Sorry to bother your, but have you tried disabling Vimium?
I think what you saied j and k did is because Firefox's PDF. But I follow your advice and disable Vimium in the pdf page. After doing that, just as you mentioned, I do can use j and k to scroll by exact one page.
However, it's not what I want. I'd better prefer moving little by little thus I can see the whole page while reading pdf. Cause my firefox window is not big enough to show the whole page of a file ,scrolling by exact one page will make me loose some content of that page unless I use up and down to scoll the file.
I have the feeling that it's not convinient to use up and down to scoll the file. Parse Session["AttachID"]. ToString ; Response.
BinaryWrite attach ; Response. Sunday, March 25, AM. User posted Anyone? Tuesday, March 27, AM. RenderDocument out FileName ; Response. Tuesday, March 27, PM. Wednesday, March 28, AM.
User posted Small update: - this problem only arises when the document name has spaces. User posted Only IE doesn't put the "filename" as the default value when saving the document, instead it uses the pagename? Strange ………. And I say let us give them all they want" William T. As far as I remember — a German admin also reported similar observations from a Terminal Server related to my article:.
Adobe Reader In the Actions column right , click for management options. You can choose to let Firefox open PDF files, or choose another program. See attached screen cap. Thank you. I do know how to tell Firefox to open Acrobat Reader as a default. My problem is that the setting is getting changed without my knowledge or permission.
My next suggestion would be to do about:config and enter PDF. Either do a screen cap or Print to. This, at least, will point you in the right direction. Then when you try to view a PDF, Firefox will show a popup window which asks what you want to do. In the popup window, you could then choose the Adobe executable as the program to open PDFs. Firefox will remember your program choice. You can use BBCodes to format your content.