Prison ministry program

I thank God for people like you. Keep up the good work! Thru BBFI, I have built a foundation, a sense of unhappiness with my past criminal behavior and thinking, and replacing them with a sense of responsibility and development of empathy for others.

I am learning to think in ways that are rational, realistic, and responsible. I found Jesus. It is a blessing to have Christian literature to place in their hands.

This literature helps spread the gospel and sets the captives free. Donate now by credit card to help us reach those who are in spiritual darkness. Do you have a prayer request? If so and you would like others to pray for you, we encourage you to click below. We will send you an email whenever we release a new ebook, newsletter, or info about what we are doing. We will send you an email whenever we release a new ebook, newsletter, or other information.

Donate Online. Employer Match. Donate by Check. Payroll Deduction. Donate thru Buying. About BBFI. About Prison Ministry. About Bible Versions. About Bible Doctrine. About Church Matters. From Muslims. Prayer Requests. Rehabilitation Stats. English Newsletters. An error has occurred. Please try again.

The Sunshine Club now sends holiday cards as well as monthly birthday cards to over incarcerated individuals. Lists are posted on the prison ministry website about the 20th of each month. Simply download the Word document, print the labels and mail some sunshine! Contact Maryanne Vermillion for more information. The Penpal Program supports prisoners who have requested a penpal. Over 30 people are regularly communicating with an inmate and 11 more inmates are on the waiting list.

Visitation Program. Both parties are blessed by the experience. The number of ladies attending the services has increased to over regular attendees. More team members are needed. Contact Deacon Gay Romack for details.

The 6-day camp provides a safe and fun Christian-based environment for these children as well as a much needed outreach to the family members of those who are in prison. With your help, this program will continue to grow and serve those who struggle with the pain and stigma of incarceration. If your church participates in Angel Tree, has ties to a local school, or is involved in any other program that might include children who have an incarcerated parent, please consider distributing the registration forms as part of your regular activities.

Please contact Becky Hansen for more information about how your church can be involved in donating items for the backpacks.

Scholarships are also needed since many of the children attending Camp Genesis are from families that live at or below poverty level. Please contract Deacon Kim Crecca , if you or your church would like to sponsor a Camp Genesis camper or to host a presentation about the camp. The Camper Card Program was created was created in order to keep the Camp Genesis experience alive in the camper's memories, encourage them throughout the year, and remind them that they are loved by God.

Churches are asked to "adopt" a month when members can gather together to write a card to each of these campers. To signup or for more information, contact Mari Cicola. A week intensive discipleship process Unique, peer-to-peer assessments that ensure accountability and drive growth Class curriculum focused on transforming lives through: worship, fellowship, discipleship, mentoring, serving others, living with purpose, and reentry education.

Low-cost, safe and stable housing Individual case management Access to physical, mental and dental healthcare Transportation to service providers, employment and shopping Permanent and meaningful employment at a living wage Financial stability training A recovery program for chemical dependency Individual mentoring Community engagement Healthy recreational activities Spiritual growth opportunities. JD, Former Inmate.

Those who complete the program:. How Can You Help? Newsletter Signup.


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